Nancy Pelosi



Since there’s no easy way to tell if somebody has been vaccinated for Covid-19 federal officials have put Americans on the honor system. If we have not been vaccinated we are supposed to continue wearing masks indoors. Those who have been fully vaccinated are free to remove their masks.

Frankly, after everything I’ve seen in the past 15 months from Americans, I am not so sure we can really trust our fellow citizens to comply with an honor system. We need to be able to tell whether those around us are anti-vaccine so we can keep our (social) distance. Thus I have compiled this handy guide to help Americans immediately identify whether they are near an anti-vaxxer.

And, to make clear, "anti-vaxxer" is a reference to those who willfully choose not to be vaccinated for political purposes or general distrust of vaccines.

There is a group at the next restaurant table. Someone gets up to use the restroom and when they finally return somebody asks, “Did you fall in?” – we can be reasonably certain they are anti-vaxxers.